Plugging you into our extensive network
to service your requirements and needs.
According to the 2022 census:
There are over 28,000 individuals over the age of 65 residing in Washington County.
9%, or 2,549 of them are living in poverty
46% or 13,026 of them fall into the Alice Threshold.
The ALICE Threshold (as per federal guidelines) is the area between poverty and the minimum monetary level necessary for survival.
Program availability for the individuals falling into the ALICE Threshold is limited.
Seniors need a network system that allows their needs and requirements to be fulfilled in one consolidated network. Senior Services Network LLC (SSN) is that consolidated network.
SSN is available to give seniors a network system that will provide services and resources to meet their needs for independent living and empowerment. Our goal is to provide seniors with the information they require to resolve an issue they may be having. We will connect them to the personnel or agency they need to help resolve their issue with decreased financial costs.
Senior Services Network LLC (SSN) is a third party administrator that connects seniors with services for continued personal independence and empowerment in their private residence. We offer the opportunity for seniors to receive the means to obtain the support they need for everyday care, home maintenance and miscellaneous services.
For more information please contact SSN.
Please consider a donation of time, talent or treasure.
Our contact number is 240-291-5110.